LAIFE® is an organ age management brand from Boston, with itsname derived from the words "Life" and "AI."
Over the past century, advancements in modern medicine haveextended the maximum human lifespan. However, the proportion ofhealthy lifespan (Healthspan) has not increased correspondingly. Onthe contrary, unhealthy lifestyle habits have led to longer periods ofsuering from illnesses.
Driven by the initial intent to prevent aging as we prevent diseases inBoston, Professor George Church, a pioneer in genetics at HarvardUniversity, and Dr. Gavin Zhou, through continuous research in the fieldof aging, discovered that one of the hallmarks of aging is the functionaldecline of various organs, which then triggers degenerative diseases.
Recognizing the dierences in the aging trajectories of dierent organsin the human body, they assembled a research team powered by artificialintelligence and the organ aging clock theory. By successfully combiningAI technology with biology, they founded the LAIFE brand